Monday, June 19, 2006

The Straw that Broke the Camel's Back

Shallow, picky, high maintenance, etc. I thought these were all starting becoming self-fulfilling prophesies but I cracked the case! I’m really not all shallow, picky, high maintenance, etc. I discovered this a couple weekends ago when me and the girls went to a party. I started talking to an attractive guy whom we had seen earlier that evening at Chili’s. But the more we talked, the less I wanted to give him my number. First off his name ends in “ie” like “Mattie,” “Robbie,” or “Scottie.” I asked him if I could just call him _____ without the “ie” and he said: “No, do you like people calling you Gab?” I answered, “Yeah, I don’t care; it makes me feel more comfortable around the person.” Anyway, we talked for about half hour and like I said before it just kept going down hill. During the convo we ran into an awkward pause so I looked down at his shoes (to see if he was wearing construction shoes…just kidding) and I noticed he had a cast. He told me he broke his ACL playing soccer. To make a long story short, I just wasn’t into this guy even though I found him attractive. I thought, well…he’s ok so I’ll take HIS number. At the end of the night my friends asked me for the scoop. I told them that he was just mediocre and didn’t make a big impression but they kept prying. Without further ado I yelled out, “HE WAS WEARING A CAST! I DON’T WANT TO BE SEEN WITH A GIMP!” They were baffled and I was baffled, and you’re probably baffled as well…but let me explain! Read the title again. It really was the last straw. When people ask me why I’m not interested in a person the reason I always mention is the last straw. So I will reiterate, I’m not a shallow person J. The real reason why I didn’t like this guy was because he was about 30, still lived with his parents, didn’t seem to value education as much as I do, and was working as a secretary or something like that. The cast was just the cherry.


Anonymous said...

I concur that some guys just don't have what it takes! Hopefully I can maintain composure this week. I hate waiting for guys to call! Although he did text me, we will see if we end up hanging out!^^

Daisy said...

I am sorry to throw out the fact that I am so glad I do not have to deal with gimps and such! I heard what your saying nonetheless! I have seen the wierdos at the singles wards (especially in Utah) I feel your pain sister!