Saturday, April 08, 2006

Construction Shoes

I love shoes and have a problem when a hot guy sports a bad pair of shoes with a suit.

I saw him at church; he was sitting in the front row. The first thing my friend and I noticed was his edgy hair and nice suit. But when he walked by I couldn't help but notice his shoes...they were hideous! Brown, untied, worn-out, low-top, construction shoes (ok, oxfords). You just don't wear constrcution shoes with a nice suit, I'm sorry! As shallow as it may sound, the bad shoes was a turn off.

We went at battle of the bands last night. The bands were *cough terrible cough* and it was too loud so we decided to step out and walk around, hoping to run into familiar faces. There it was, the only face I recoginzed, Construction Shoes. This was the first time I had seen him in casual clothes, styling as always (from the ankles up). We smiled at eachother and he started by telling me that I looked familiar. "Of course, we're in the same ward."

We had a long intriguing conversation and ended it when he told me that he would like to take me to dinner sometime. We exchanged numbers and said good-bye.

My roommate and I waited until we left the building and then I exploded with excitement, "He is so hot! I can't believe we finally met!"

She informed me that she checked-out his shoes for me since I had forgotten to do so. She was happy to report that the infamous construction shoes did not enfold his feet last night, he was actually wearing nice ones.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of Gaby, she goes for what she wants and doesn't worry about the gatekeeper's thoughts! I affirm the notion that Construction shoes is freaking HOT and not a figment of her imagination!