Friday, April 27, 2007

Happy Birthday... my blog. It is now 1 year old.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Free at Last! Free at Last!

I made it! I'm done!
I just got done "defending" my capstone project. I was prepared to supposedly defend it against a committee that was going to tear it down and grill me on various design and learning theories. But guess what? They just smiled and said, "Well done." I'm ecstatic to say the least!
On the down side, I can't pull the old I've-got-homework-and-lots-of-studying-to-do card any longer. I've got to find a new excuse to decline stale dates, but most importantly find a real job.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

If you are single, after graduation there isn't one occasion where people celebrate you ...

... Hallmark doesn't make a Congratulations-you-didn't-marry-the-wrong-guy card. And where's the flatware for going on vacation alone?
-Carrie Bradshaw

This is why I'm having mixed feelings about finishing school. I don't know if I could face the realization that I won't be celebrated after graduation.

...oh the hell with it! School's a jerk, Gaby is out!

I'm almost done, dear!!! I defend on Thursday and after that, I close the coffin and bury school FOREVERRR. I hope I don't change my mind and decide to go for the Doctorate's. Please, if I do, save me; it's suicide.

Please pray that my committee will have compassion on me and accept my defense.

Good-bye and thank you...

Thursday, April 19, 2007

I don't always prepare such rich meals. Sometimes I'll just serve a simple quiche, salad and dessert for dinner. During the week I try to eat lightly.

Yeah right! I eat, alot!

This week marks the dawn of a new era. For the first time in my life I'm going to start eating healthy. I hate eating fruits and vegetables. I don't eat vegetables and the only fruit I'll eat is half a banana or canned peaches but I was just informed that fructose-drenched peaches do not provide any estrength or nutrients (in the words of Eskeleto) to my body so blah. I got this idea from my roommate and went to Costco to buy about 15 pounds of fruit. I hope I can eat it all before it goes bad. Open to suggestions for a healthy diet (that includes carbs).